Monday, February 27, 2023

Walk-Run For Life

Every new year, I use to make resolution/commitment to myself about regular exercise. New resolution use to start with full of energy (जोश) and a lot of enthusiasm. It use to continue for few days or weeks together and then at some point of time I used to give it up for reason’s like office work, spending time with family, traveling or simply tired of doing regular exercise. While continuing on the exercise resolution, I never made a resolution of dieting to lose weight. As I have been in situation of staying hungry sometime for food as not having sufficient money to spend on food. So when I started earning money, I promised myself I will never think of money while buying food and will never waste the food. With this promise, I got into the bad habit of overeating, I couldn’t control myself on seeing yummy food. Especially whenever I eat at home, I always ends up with more eatting.

With this habbit, I put-on weight and was close to 90KG’s. I used to play cricket and volleyball so I never felt that I have put-on lots of weight. Daily routine was going on, somehow I got inspired by looking at Vitality app and Google Fit app. In summer-2018, I made my mind and took first step of  walking daily 10K steps. 10K steps I did for 1month. I built up stamina, was enjoying walking for 1 hours daily. With 10K steps, slowly started running for 200meter, 400meter, half mile, 1 mile, whatever possible everyday. After 10 days to motivate myself I set the goal of weekly 5miles running. You don’t have to calculate your daily running Google fit will do it for you. I did 5miles(8km) every week. Then I increased weekly running goal to 10miles. Weekdays sometimes I did not get chance to run because of busy schedule and travel, to reach the goal, I use to run more on weekends. This routine continued till October-2018.

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Above charts shows my 3 months progress and activities.

Then winter started and exercise got reduced. Now schedule got changed, as day permits I go to gym and do walking and running on trademill.

When I started loosing my weight and that inspired me more. I lost almost 10KG(22lbs) and I reached close to 81KG. I cutdown on rice and other food at dinner time. I eat only 1 bowl of vegetable curry or drink 1 glass of juice. Sometime, I eat in the dinner whenever there is party or some festival functions or in restaurants with family on holidays.

That was my regular routine and for couple of months and I saw the result. I continued that and will try to keep continue year by year and stay healthy. I have target this year to lose some more weight and maintain it around 75KG and also regular exercise.

Keep Walking…… Keep Running…. Stay Healthy!!