Monday, February 27, 2023

Walk-Run For Life

Every new year, I use to make resolution/commitment to myself about regular exercise. New resolution use to start with full of energy (जोश) and a lot of enthusiasm. It use to continue for few days or weeks together and then at some point of time I used to give it up for reason’s like office work, spending time with family, traveling or simply tired of doing regular exercise. While continuing on the exercise resolution, I never made a resolution of dieting to lose weight. As I have been in situation of staying hungry sometime for food as not having sufficient money to spend on food. So when I started earning money, I promised myself I will never think of money while buying food and will never waste the food. With this promise, I got into the bad habit of overeating, I couldn’t control myself on seeing yummy food. Especially whenever I eat at home, I always ends up with more eatting.

With this habbit, I put-on weight and was close to 90KG’s. I used to play cricket and volleyball so I never felt that I have put-on lots of weight. Daily routine was going on, somehow I got inspired by looking at Vitality app and Google Fit app. In summer-2018, I made my mind and took first step of  walking daily 10K steps. 10K steps I did for 1month. I built up stamina, was enjoying walking for 1 hours daily. With 10K steps, slowly started running for 200meter, 400meter, half mile, 1 mile, whatever possible everyday. After 10 days to motivate myself I set the goal of weekly 5miles running. You don’t have to calculate your daily running Google fit will do it for you. I did 5miles(8km) every week. Then I increased weekly running goal to 10miles. Weekdays sometimes I did not get chance to run because of busy schedule and travel, to reach the goal, I use to run more on weekends. This routine continued till October-2018.

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Above charts shows my 3 months progress and activities.

Then winter started and exercise got reduced. Now schedule got changed, as day permits I go to gym and do walking and running on trademill.

When I started loosing my weight and that inspired me more. I lost almost 10KG(22lbs) and I reached close to 81KG. I cutdown on rice and other food at dinner time. I eat only 1 bowl of vegetable curry or drink 1 glass of juice. Sometime, I eat in the dinner whenever there is party or some festival functions or in restaurants with family on holidays.

That was my regular routine and for couple of months and I saw the result. I continued that and will try to keep continue year by year and stay healthy. I have target this year to lose some more weight and maintain it around 75KG and also regular exercise.

Keep Walking…… Keep Running…. Stay Healthy!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Life In Software Or Software In Life

Hello Friends,

This is my first attempt to write something that comes to my mind. I am in software field since 8+ years. Several ups and downs come in software as well in life. We never know what is coming next in both. We do plans, we try to follow up with it and we make sure that we are executing those plans properly. At times we succeed and sometimes we do fail, and its applicable for both life and Software.

I am sure we do face problems in software as well in life. It depends on everyone one how we face the problems/handle the critical situations. I have very simple funda(trick) which I learnt recently and I remembered quote from one of James Bond movie, Q told to James Bond "Every big problem have a small escape". I am very much able to link this quote with every problem I have faced in life and in software as well. So no worries every big problem have small escape.

If we see Life and Software have a lot of similarities. Life is everything and anything. However software is a thing which brings something to life to make it more enjoyable. Life has different stages and today we have software relevant for each of those stages.

Just some thoughts to start which I wanted to share with you all.